| 1. | Chapter 2 focuses on the exercise of right of formation 第二章重点阐述了形成权的行使问题。 |
| 2. | For more information on applications for assistance in the exercise of rights of access , click 如欲查阅更多有关申请要求协助行使探视权的资料,请按 |
| 3. | And in fact in the courses of the fulfillment and exercise of right of subrogation , most problems occur in the aspect of procedure 而事实上代位权的实现及其行使过程中问题最多的就是在程序方面。 |
| 4. | Article5 the parties concerned in insurance activities shall abide by the principle of good faith in the exercise of rights and performance of obligations 第五条保险活动当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵循诚实信用原则。 |
| 5. | From the perspective of protection of professional interests , the insurer should have the duty to defend the claim of the third party during exercise of right of takeover 从保护专家利益的角度考虑,保险人在行使接办权的过程中,应负有为专家利益计算的义务,即抗辩义务。 |
| 6. | To enable us to process your application for assistance in the exercise of rights of access to a child , please submit a copy of each of the following supporting documents ( if applicable and available ) - 为使我们能够处理你要求协助行使探视某名儿童的权利的申请,请提交以下支持文件(如适用及能提供的话)各一份- |
| 7. | The civil division of the department of justice has been authorized to act on behalf of the secretary for justice in providing international assistance in the return of abducted children and exercise of rights of access to children 律政司民事法律科获授权代律政司司长行事,在交还被掳拐儿童及行使探视儿童权方面,提供国际性协助。 |
| 8. | Seeing that at present our country is deficient in the theatrical research and practical experiences on the system of right of subrogation , it is necessary to expound this system , especially the question of exercise of right of subrogation in a systematic way 鉴于目前我国在代位权制度的理论研究及实践经验方面比较欠缺,有必要对代位权制度,尤其对代位权的行使问题作较系统的阐述。 |
| 9. | Please endeavour to fill in the " request for return of child " form or the " request for assistance in the exercise of rights of access " form as complete as possible , as failure to do so or to supply all relevant supporting documents may cause delay in processing an application 请尽量完全填妥"要求交还儿童"表格或"要求协助行使探视权"表格,如未有完全填妥表格或未有提供所有有关的支持文件,可能会引致延误申请的处理。 |
| 10. | And there are no uniform standards about the medical level and as the consideration of medical level , we should examine the factors of technicality , emergency and regionality and adopt right judgment measures : judgment through general knowledge , judgment under medical rules , judgment by scientific experiments and judgment according to medical expert testimony , etc . from the negative side , there is to be the research on the negative reasons to medical malpractice and whatever satisfied the negative reasons would not be the medical malpractice - permissible danger , act of rescue , self - sup porting act , exercise of rights , promise by the patients and comparative faults , etc . furthermore , this dissertation emphasized the discussion on the problem of the conflict of rights and proposed to exercise the policy of right - priority to solve the problem of the conflict of rights 在相当因果关系判断中,对条件的审究实践上有较大难度,本文主张采用逻辑学上新理论?一部分原因理论并结合事故参与度理论、盖然性;理论进行判断与认定。本文除对医疗过失责任的三个构成要件进行了论述,还在第五部分对责任构成后的具体赔偿进行了论述。按照现行法律,本文对积极损害中丧葬费用、医疗费用、护理费用、律师费用、住宿费用、交通费用,消极损害中死亡补偿费、被抚养人生活费、误工费、残疾者生活补助费及残疾用具费以及精神上的损害具体赔偿的标准进行了归纳。 |